
Monday, June 21, 2010

Elizabeth Walgreen's 6/21 - Made $4.78 Profit!!

Transaction #1:

$5.99 - Rephresh Brilliant pH Tampons
- $1/1 printable (free after $5 RR)

$0.50 - Butterfinger (filler)

Total before coupons: $6.49

Used $5.00 RR from previous week.

Total oop: $0.53

Received $5 RR from Rephresh.
Transaction #2:

$5.99 - Rephresh Brilliant pH Tampons
- $1/1 printable (free after $5 RR)

(2) $4.49 - Old Spice Swagger Body Wash
- $4.49 from B1G1 coupon in 6/6 P&G insert (both free after $4.50 RR)

(2) $0.50 - Butterfinger (filler)

Total before coupons: $15.97

Used $10.00 RR from previous week.

Total oop: $0.52

Received $5 RR from Rephresh and $4.50 RR from P&G (Old Spice).
Transaction #3:

$7.49 - Renu Sensitive Contact Solution
- $4.00/1 from sample (see the post here - $4 money maker after $7.50 RR)

(2) $0.50 - Butterfinger (filler)

Total before coupons: $8.49

Used $4.00 RR from previous week.

Total oop: $0.53

Received $7.50 RR from Renu.
Transaction #4:

$7.49 - Renu Sensitive Contact Solution
- $2.00/1 from 6/6 SS insert ($2 money maker after $7.50 RR)

(2) $4.49 - Gillette Body Wash
- $4.49 from B1G1 in 6/6 P&G insert (both free after $4.50 RR)

$0.99 - Hunt's Tomato Sauce
- $0.65 from in ad coupon (3/$1)

Total before coupons: $17.46

Used $4.00 RR and a $6 RR from previous week.

Total oop: $0.32

Received $7.50 RR from Renu and a $4.50 RR from P&G (Gillette).
Transaction #5:

Exactly the same as transaction #4.

Totals for today:

Total before coupons: $71.30 (this is what I would have paid with no coupons + tax)

Spent $39 in RR's and $2.22 cash oop. Received $46 in RR's, meaning I made $4.78 profit today!!