Have you ever read about a great deal and wished you had more coupons so you could really stock up? I personally buy 4 papers a week (my local $1 paper) but quite often wished I had more like 10 or 20 to really stock up on freebies for donations, etc. I have been playing around with different coupon clipping sites lately and today this one REALLY caught my eye. The site is My Coupon Hunter. I have been emailing back and forth with the owner all day now and am completely sold on her site. Shipping is the lowest by far that I have seen and the minimums to check out are the lowest I've seen as well. As an example, I just added 4 of the most recent B1G1 Gillette body washes to my cart to check price and shipping and the total is only $1.45! That's only $0.25 per coupon and $0.45 shipping. That's right folks, she's charging exactly what it costs to ship, no profitable up charge!!!
Ok, now the really cool thing - monthly subscription plans. If you are a regular coupon buyer than these plans are definitely for you. There are 4 different plans ranging from 60 coupons for $10/month up to 500 coupons for $50/month. This way all of the coupon prices are standardized (the lowest quantity plan would be $0.17/coupon and the highest quantity plan is only $0.10/coupon). Also, the first four orders on a subscription plan come with free shipping. Isn't that a fantastic idea?
I know it sounds like I'm being paid to write up some big review, but I really just discovered her website today and have emailed back and forth with her. I love that she is a small home operation but still keeping costs ultra low. Give her a try today and let me know what you think!!
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