Welcome to our new blog, and for that matter, our first post! I can't remember exactly how Shanna and I turned into these deal obsessed maniacs so quickly, but I blame Google reader and our jobs. We have been "couponing" for three weeks now and it's crazy exciting, however lame that may sound. We know there is already an overage of couponing/deal seeking blogs out there, but we thought we'd make our own nonetheless. Even if it is only our family and friends that read it, maybe we can help a few people save some money with our limited knowledge. So the plan is to post the most exciting coupons, freebies, etc. here that we see on other blogs basically. There is no reason to spend all of our time figuring out the great deals ourselves when someone else has already done it. Just so you know, the stores we are most interested in are CVS, Walgreens, Target, Walmart and Kroger. No other grocery stores will make it on our list unless there is a really great deal there. It's just too much trouble to go all over town for a few items.
So there it is folks. That's our story. Just for fun, below is a picture of 1 day's worth of shopping for Shanna. If you can believe it, she only spent around $3.50 OOP (out of pocket - gotta start using acronyms now) after ECB's (CVS' Extra Care Bucks), RR's (Walgreen's Register Rewards) and MIR's (mail in rebates). So we're not necessarily saying that she only forked over $3.50 today, but once everything is accounted for, she did. P.S. Things like ECB's and RR's will be explained in more detail ASAP.

Pretty impressive huh? And this has been totally normal for us. We've only done one transaction so far that we were less than impressed with and it was our own fault for not doing some research first.
Now you might also be thinking - seriously girls, do you really need this stuff? Heck no, we don't need half of it! But if something is TOTALLY free, we buy it anyway. We can always give it to charity or friends. It seems crazy not to buy it if it's something simple like soap or deodorant. At least that's what we tell ourselves.
Signing off for now!
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