
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello, my name is Elizabeth and I am a couponaholic

I finally found some big plastic bins at a price I liked so it was time to organize my stockpile (I've only been couponing for about 2 months so I've never done it). I hate to admit, but this stuff was mostly still in the bags in my bedroom. Now, to put it in the bins and create some donation bags during the process. The problem is, I have no husband or kids to use this stuff on! Seriously, it would make me feel SO much better if you guys could tell me this is semi normal for a couponer.


organic cupcake said...

I've got three kids and I just started back seriously couponing. CVS is starting to make me wonder if I'm getting too much. I'm going to need a weekly drop off spot for serious overages. I think I'm going to focus on big time needs and consider my space, not just the deals. hope you find your balance too.

Elizabeth said...

Yeah I just finished sorting it into 4 bins and several donation bags/bags for friends and family. Thank goodness I paid nothing or little to nothing for all of this!!

Heather said...

Yes, I think it's pretty "normal" in the coupon world. It's just me and my husband and we have about as much stockpiled as you've got here. Once you get a good stockpile like this then you can start to only buy when it's a GREAT deal!

Elizabeth said...

I totally agree Heather! From now on I'm going to have to be more selective. Although I do have about $80 in RR's from Walgreen's right now, so I'll "have" to spend some this week. Good to know I'm not alone!

Anonymous said...

I think this is totally normal for a couponer. I have 2 shelving units I got from Lowes in my basement and they're practically full...and that's with me sending tons of care packages to my husband overseas! It's hard to resist a good deal, especially if you can get it for free.

The Bestest's said...

well i don't know if it's normal or not b/c i stink at couponing...but i can tell you i'm stoked about "shopping" and what possibly made it into my box!!! :-)

Amanda said...

Suport our troops!! My hubby just left for deployment to afghan-land I've been sending lots of care packages to him and his buddies! They all love it and I love the thrill of find the great deals!!

Elizabeth said...

Amanda - that is a great idea. Any idea how to get started doing that?